6 Easy Ways to Improve Productivity as a  Wedding Photographer

6 Easy Ways to Improve Productivity as a Wedding Photographer

Nov 23, 2022

As a wedding photographer we know how important it is to stay productive. Especially when the wedding season is round the corner, managing your workflow can seem daunting. Right from meeting clients, booking orders, going for the shoot, handling social media posts and what not the list is endless.

Being a wedding photographer often it would be tiring and unproductive sometimes while handling a lot of stuff at the same time. But what if we say that you can actually improve productivity and you could actually be able to manage more tasks and complete them on time?

Read more to know the 6 easy ways to improve productivity for wedding photographers.

Focus on What’s Important

First things first, Prioritize your goals and act accordingly. Assign yourself and your team a SMART goal. Smart goals are nothing but a set of short term targets that must be achieved within a stipulated time. 

Setting clear short-term goals and developing a plan for achieving them can be the single best way to increase your productivity. That's because when you define your goals, you get the internal motivation to focus on your work.

Secondly, use google Calendar to schedule important dates of wedding shoots of your clients and set reminders for each event. In this way, you will always stay updated and be prepared before the final shoot day.

Have the habit of saying NO to your clients to avoid any last minute hustle. If your schedule is already going busy, it's better not to accept any new client order. It is always better to believe in quality work than to perform below average in every order. 

Streamline your Social Media activity

Create a proper content calendar in advance to ensure your social media activity is not hampered due to your busy schedule. Look for photos & videos to share on social media that get maximum engagement and are appraised for your work.

-Some social media post ideas

-Share photos of your recently completed project

-Give a glimpse into some behind the scenes of your on-going project

-Satisfied Customer Testimonial

-Share some photography tips & tricks 

-Quick Album Designing Hacks

Planning and scheduling all your content for the week or month at once can ensure your social media is consistent and efficient.

You can always use Facebook’s Meta Business Suite to schedule all your image & video posts. And the great thing about this is that under one platform you can schedule it for Instagram as well.

List down your photography shots before the Wedding Day

For this you can always look at your captured pre-wedding photos. These photos will help you to decide on the angles, positions and poses that you can opt for on the wedding day. This gives you an idea about the different photography styles and can be listed down in advance to save extra time and act more on the actual wedding day.

Write Efficiently

For most of the wedding photographers writing is not their cup of tea but believe it or not blogging does really help. Blogs on your website help you to showcase your expertise in the industry and what's better than you being hired for the skills you are actually a master in.

What to write can be a big question for you but you can simply start by writing about your recent wedding photoshoot experience, give out some photography tips & tricks, best photography equipment to use, etc. 

Write down some blog topic ideas and create a writing workflow. Once you get a hold of the flow it will be easier for you to write articles. For any spelling and grammar mistakes always take the help of some online tools such as Grammarly and Hemmingway App.

Use Smart Album Designing Software

Simplify your album designing process by using an auto-album designing software. To be more productive it is essential to adopt some modern technology in your photography business. We recommend using Dgflick's Album Xpress software. Album Xpress software is the number one choice of any photographer who always wants to create the best wedding album designs for their best customers.

It is also known to be called as ‘Auto-Album designing’ software due to its advanced time-saving features and amazing ready template collection making it a go-to software for wedding album designing.

Effectively Utilize your Off Wedding Season period

We know throughout the wedding season you must be busy with your clients photography and completing album designing orders. But what about the non-wedding season? Make the most of your non wedding season by considering some of the ideas.

-Take up Engagement Photoshoot projects

-Network more with other photographers and also with vendors like event managers and food caterers

-Expand your knowledge by enrolling yourself into photography courses or attend webinars

-Practice more with new photography styles and trends

-Share your expertise by giving lessons to new photographers.

All these ideas mentioned above can be really helpful for you to define a new way to earn an extra income source and also work upon yourself while being productive at the same time. 


These are the 6 ways that can help you build healthy working habits and be more productive.

Though this might seem contradictory, taking some time off is also essential. In the long run, a tired and overworked photographer isn’t the most productive. Structure your work schedule in such a way that you can take out some leisure time to help rejuvenate your body & mind. So work smarter and build a successful professional wedding photography business by being more advanced & efficient

Benefits of Pre-Wedding Photoshoot for Wedding Photographers

Benefits of Pre-Wedding Photoshoot for Wedding Photographers

Jul 18, 2022

Indian Weddings are those times where traditions, rituals, ceremonies, and emotions all run together at the same time. Amidst this hullabaloo, the feeling of 'being married' often gets difficult for the couple to sink in. This is the reason why many couples are opting for a pre-wedding photoshoot.

A pre-wedding photoshoot is nothing but a short photo session with a pre-booked wedding photographer to capture the couple's celebration of their new beginnings. It is usually done approximately three to four months prior to the official wedding date.

Earlier, pre-wedding photoshoots were a rare luxury event but nowadays many modern couples are realizing the importance of capturing their precious moments way before they get hitched for life. A pre-wedding photoshoot has somewhat become an essential to-do list for many couples before their wedding day.

Being a wedding photographer if you are still in doubt about whether you should take up pre-wedding photography then the below key benefits will encourage you to take one up and you could add a new service to your photography business.

Helps to Build Rapport

No wonder how difficult it would be for you to direct the couple to give a particular pose. As you must be meeting them for the first time on their wedding day. To avoid such awkwardness a pre-wedding photoshoot can be a great option to build the much needed communication and rapport with the to be wed couples. Pre-wedding photography gives you the time & energy to know more about the couple and even their extended family as well.

Guides on which Photography Style will Suit the Best

Once you see the pre-wedding photos, you can decide on the angles, positions, and poses that seems the best for the couple. This gives you an idea about the different styles of photography you can go for on the wedding day. Be it candid, portrait, magazine, or something else.

Pre-wedding shoot will help you to save your time and act more on the actual wedding day in capturing the best shots. Today's wedding photographers focus more on capturing the intricate details of wedding rituals and other processions.

Get Additional Photos to Add it to the Wedding Album

A pre-wedding photoshoot is often done either to take good pictures of togetherness or to show it to the world the love story of the couple. Such kind of photoshoot allows both partners to get to know each other without the hassles of heavy wedding attires, makeup, jewelleries and can be the way they are.

Pre-wedding photography allows you to take some candid natural moments, expressions, and real emotions without the disturbance of annoying guest and their umpteen number of selfies. Such pictures you can add it to your wedding album design to make it more vibrant and give a new twist to it.

Impress your Customers more with Special Gifts

Pre-wedding photoshoots provide you with a number of stunning images in different styles. This can be a great way for you as a wedding photographer to do more for your customers.

You can impress your customers by gifting them a photo collage made up of these images which can be used as a wall decor and a memory for them to cherish for a lifetime. A photobook or a congratulatory greeting card with a personalized message will make your customer happy and would remember your sweet gesture and excellent services.

You can even gift them a separate pre-wedding album consisting of their lovable moments to cherish those memories for a lifetime. Make your pre-wedding album very innovative and unique using only the Album Xpress software. With Album Xpress you can design a pre-wedding album page in just 2 minutes and that's not all your entire album gets ready quickly with its auto album design feature.

Have a look at the video below

So these were the benefits that are enough to encourage you to take up pre-wedding photography. Apart from all the benefits a Pre-wedding photoshoot also allows you to explore more with your creativity and unleash new skills which you can add to your services to grow your photography business.

7 Useful Tips to Book More Wedding Photography Clients

7 Useful Tips to Book More Wedding Photography Clients

Jun 14, 2022

No doubt to say that Wedding photography is a very interesting job that comes with exciting challenges letting you explore new skills and develop your overall profile. However, success in wedding photography comes with its own share of challenges. Looking at the number of wedding photographers in the market standing out from the crowd can be a difficult task.

Regular customers, an updated portfolio website, and new ideas play important roles in a wedding photographer’s success. Out of all the challenges, the most important one is getting new customers on a regular basis.

Moreover, a systematic and professional approach is what you need to bring in customers from different diversity and to sustain the growth. Here are some of the most effective and easy ways to let more customers come to you.

Define Your Own Style of Work

Before starting your wedding photography business it is much important to understand your style of working first. Ask yourself certain questions first - are you interested in destination wedding photography or do you want to become a pre-wedding photographer? Or are you looking forward to becoming a candid wedding photographer?

Whatever the style you choose to work in, you should know about it in prior and then you must take the efforts to find out the most desired clients. In fact, in this way, you would be able to filter out your clients, and accordingly, you can develop a unique style for yourself for which you will be known in the wedding photography industry.

Create Your Digital Presence

In this digital age, it is very important that you make your business easily reachable. Nowadays in this mobile era, people get everything they need at the tip of their fingers. So if you are not visible online, your prospective clients might turn up to your competitors. Therefore it is always suggested that you must keep your wedding photography business open 24/7 through your online portfolio website, social media platforms, etc.

With regular updates about your business, posting your best photo captures online, people will start noticing and acknowledging your work. And you never know which channel may lead you to a new client coming your way. So having a digital presence always help you to sustain and maintain a professional image in the market.

Stay Connected with your Old Customers

Always keep in touch with your old clients. Share with them about your new project accomplishments, and any new offer or discount you are currently running. It will make them return to you for any special events. The wedding photography industry to a greater extent is sustained on the 'Word of mouth' basis.

So existing customers can act as advocates and may recommend you for a wedding photoshoot of their friends and extended family members. Reaching out to old customers is always helpful as they are well versed with your style of work.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

This can be a brilliant idea when you are starting with your wedding photography business. Try reaching out to local wedding-related brands in your area like party halls, jewelry shops, photo printing companies, wedding planners, etc. They can literally help you in finding out your ideal client. Once they get a booking they will notify you. Then you can reach the clients and distribute brochures explaining about your wedding photography business.

In fact, many wedding planners have a tie-up with certain service providers like decorators, caterers even photographers as well. Here you can apply as a wedding photographer and when they receive any booking you will get the opportunity to serve as a photographer for the event.

Use Professional Photography Equipment and Gears

For a photographer, their camera acts like a paint brush with which they paint a beautiful picture with the flick of a button. Hence it becomes very important for any type of photographer to invest a good amount of money in buying a high-quality camera and other related equipments.

A good quality camera will not only help you capture some top-notch pictures but also help you bring life into the pictures perfectly connecting human emotions. That's what makes a customer come to you with more photography bookings as you are able to connect with them on a human level. And other supportive equipments such as drone, tripod, light stand, lenses will enhance your overall photographic experience and justify your final output.

Invest in an Album Designing Software

Today it is the need of the hour for every wedding photographer to be updated with the latest technology and trends currently going on in the photography industry. To stay always at the top of every customer's choice you need to provide those customers with some delightful post-photoshoot services.  Nowadays wedding photographers design wedding albums too. For this, you need to invest in a smart album designing software like Album Xpress.

Album Xpress is one of the best album designing software for a wedding photographer. It comes with some automated tools that helps you to easily create a photo album in just simple steps. Such auto album designing software not only helps you design albums faster but also helps you to make more timely album deliveries to your customers.

Offer Discounts or create a Referral programs

Indians are especially discount hunters they are often on the lookout for any benefits and discounted rates whenever they want to buy anything. And as you know that wedding photography means a costly affair. So the clients always look forward to such photographers who offer high-quality services at reasonable prices. Hence you can provide your services at some discount rates or start some referral programs.

Ask your customers to refer you to their friends and families and offer them a discount. It will encourage your old clients to come back to you as well as it brings new clients.

So these are the 7 effective ways to gain more wedding photography clients. Whether you are in your starting phase of your wedding photography business or already running it successfully these proven methods will surely help you book more clients during the wedding season. Moreover, a proper photography business marketing plan at its place will gradually let you create a space in the customer's minds and their choices.

Create a Photo Mosaic Collage Faster than you Cook Noodles

Create a Photo Mosaic Collage Faster than you Cook Noodles

Jun 01, 2022

What is a Photo Mosaic?

Photo Mosaic is the art of dividing a picture into small tiled sections, each of which is replaced with another photograph that matched the target photo. Mosiac as an artwork has been into presence since ancient times. Over the centuries this art technique is preserved and today it plays a very responsible role in the visual design of many architectural structures and monuments.

Create Photo Mosaics using DgFlick’s Collage Xpress in just 2 minutes

Nowadays Photo Mosaics are very much trending in the market giving you a different and unique look to a traditional photo collage. As a Photo Studio or Gift Shop, you can suggest your customers to go for a Photo Mosaic Collage. A photo mosaic is nothing but an image made from multiple photos. This can be an addon that you can recommend to your customers along with albums and photobook designs.

In fact, designing and delivering a mesmerizing Photo Mosaic collage can be a great idea to generate an extra income for your photo studio business. DgFlick’s Collage Xpress software can exactly help you with that! Transform any of your pictures into a Photo Mosaic and create an amazing mosaic photo collage in just 2 minutes using our Collage Xpress software.

This industry-leading software can be a perfect tool for you to design mosaic photos from a large number of photographs. The fast and easy workflow of Collage Xpress software helps you to make mosaic photo collages quickly and enables you to cover more orders in lesser time.

Watch the video below and you will find that this is very easy to create a mosaic photo in just 2 minutes.

Different Styles of Photo Mosaics

Today there are many different ways to create photo mosaics. But only a few are used. Mosaics made out of portrait and landscape format photos are getting more popular. They give the image complexity and a more authentic feel since photographers often use a mix of portrait and landscape photos.

If only landscape format photos are provided, the mosaic will be formed out of lines of photos. The photos can be organized in different ways, however in the image below

Different Styles of Photo Mosaic Collage

The number of individual images makes a huge difference in the overall look of the mosaic. A large amount of individual photos is an important factor in the detailing of the main image. The smaller the individual photos, the more detailed the main image looks.

Selecting a simple and clear photo as the main image suits the best. As even though the many small individual photos at the background there is already a lot of detailing and movement in the picture.

Use of Photo Mosaics Today

Although the creation of photo mosaics has been popular for many years, it still has not lost its charm. Photomosaics make it possible to give a meaningful main image out of individual smaller counterpart images. The Mosaic stands as an individual complete image. 

Let us know in what special events or situations a Photo Mosaic can be a great option that you can suggest to your customers.

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, or any celebrations

Celebratory events of every kind can be used to give a photo mosaic to someone special. The individual photos often tell the story of the life of the person receiving the mosaic, while the main image shows the person themselves.

Vacations or Holidays

Photo mosaics are perfect for showing the many photos of vacations or holidays. During a holiday several photos are taken, which can be sweetly organized together into one attractive image to remember it day by day of special places visited.

Babies or Children

Childrens are a great bundle of joy and that's why people often love to take pictures of these quite little munchkins. Photos of children are perfect to design a mosaic portrait. You can use the many individual photos to show memories, and the main image can be a large-format portrait.


Businesses can also use photo mosaics for communication while keeping intact their visions and missions.  For one, photo mosaics can be used to document company events such as annual meetings, industry achievements, or parties. They can also be used to show the employees of a company, with a logo as the main image depicting team spirit.


Photo Collages are already loved by everyone, but when you present such photo collages in different forms and styles like this one - Photo Mosaics. It gives a whole new look and feel to the visual experience of the photo collage placed on the table or hanged onto the wall.

And what’s better than following new photo trends and technology that makes your work easier and faster paving new ways for you to earn more.

Grow your Wedding Photography Business with Easy Marketing Ideas

Grow your Wedding Photography Business with Easy Marketing Ideas

May 25, 2022

The wedding photography industry is quite challenging and survival seems difficult at times. But this is what this profession makes more interesting and makes you do things that are out of your comfort zone. The photography business always tests your creativity level and helps you find out new skill sets hidden within you.

However in recent times even though the competition is intense there is a continuous demand from customers to hire the best wedding photographer for their big day. This builds a lot of hopes for many photographers to get landed with an exciting and challenging wedding photoshoot project. This gives them the much-needed opportunity to prove their skills and develop a brand themselves in this industry. 

Starting out as a professional wedding photography business can seem like climbing a hilltop but right now the only foremost condition to survive in this competitive industry is getting well aware about how to market your services.

Let us know some effective marketing ideas that will help you to elevate your wedding photography business, find new clients, and retain existing customers.

Build a Great Wedding Portfolio Website

As a professional wedding photographer, one of the most important things that you cannot neglect is having a good wedding portfolio website. In this digital age, it is the need of the hour for a creative professional to have their own website. Since today a lot of customers find wedding photographers online, you might not want to miss any chance to show up at the right time.

In fact, your Website is the gateway for your prospective customers to get introduced to you and your works of art. A website portfolio can be a superb idea to showcase your previous work experience as a wedding photographer by sharing your best-clicked pictures on the site.

You can even display testimonials and feedbacks from some of your highly satisfied customers that will generate trust amongst your online visitors. And lastly, your website will also contain your contact details making it easy for your site visitors to contact you for any inquiries.

Interact with other Wedding Vendors

Next time when you take up a wedding photography project, make sure to interact with other wedding vendors as well. The trick is some or the other way this informal communication will help you to enable your photography business to next level. It is said that the wedding photography industry is often dominated on the 'Word of Mouth' basis. 

So it is very important that you build connections with DJ/Band, food vendors or venue management, etc, who knows that for your good gesture and your quality work they might refer you to someone for their wedding photoshoot contract.

In fact don't just limit yourself to only non-photography vendors, try to build relationships with opposite party photographers as well. In this way it will be a great learning experience for each other, you can collaborate or team up for a shoot on an occasion or even exchange client referrals when the dates are booked. 

Utilize the Power of Social Media

Social media marketing is one of the most important pillars in your wedding photography business marketing plan. Your social media platforms are a visual representation of the experience that your services can offer to your future clients.

It is said that the more you are visible the more you get business. Today almost the maximum population has access to mobile phones and the internet so it is unlikely to say that social media has become a part and parcel of our daily life. For this, you need to understand where your target audience is present the most and then create accounts on those social media platforms. 

Every social platform serves a different purpose. For example Pinterest and Instagram can work as an online portfolio as well as a medium to generate leads and engage users. Whereas Facebook and Twitter can be a great source to join photography-related groups and forums and here you can start conversations and build your connections there.

Start Building Blogs

Even though writing may not be every photographer's cup of tea but this actually helps in a big way. Having blogs on your website makes your wedding photography portfolio richer and increases your chances of being discovered by couples looking for wedding photographers on search engines.

Blogs also give you the opportunity to showcase your expertise in the industry through sharing some photography tips & tricks, the best photography equipment to use, your wedding shoot experiences, etc. Blogging is a fantastic affordable and scalable promotional strategy that any wedding photographer must opt for. The most ideal suggestion would be that you can publish one or two blogs per week. The more consistent you are, the better the results will be. 

Make your Clients Happy

In the wedding photography business ‘Client Happiness’ is the greatest profit that any wedding photographer can earn. Being a wedding photographer it becomes your duty to make every couple feel special on their big day. Weddings are one of the most sacred and memorable events that happen in the entire life of every couple. 

Apart from wedding photoshoots and album delivery, you can find out more ideas to let your clients have a delightful experience with your services. For this, you can gift your clients with personalized calendars, cups, pillows, t-shirts, a photo collages, or else simply a congratulations card. These kinds of small sweet gestures will be like a cherry on the cake with your clients getting overjoyed and eventually would not leave a chance to refer your name to others for their wedding photography contract.

Be a Versatile Wedding Photographer

Don’t be afraid to take up challenges, the wedding photography industry is very creative giving you a lot of space to explore new areas and prove your skills. A versatile photographer is what today most of the couples prefer and choose to hire.

Don’t just limit yourself to shooting weddings only but also allow yourself to take up pre-wedding shoots as well. Invest yourself with a good auto album designing software and design albums as well. In this way, you can save much of the extra cost that you would incur in hiring an album designer and other related costs.


Hope these marketing tips would help you to sail through your wedding photography business journey. With the deliberate time and efforts given to market your business, will help you to become a well-known wedding photographer and customers would love to hire you for their next wedding photoshoot.

How to Take your Professional Wedding Photography Business to Next Level

How to Take your Professional Wedding Photography Business to Next Level

May 04, 2022

The wedding photography business in India has been evolving at a rapid speed. It is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. Today the advancement of wedding photography has opened up many doors of opportunities to pro and amateur photographers. In fact, there is a huge number of photographers right now specializing in different areas of photography.

With the increased competition and potential demands from customers, the wedding photography business seems to be quite challenging. In India, tons of weddings happen the whole year and there is a constant battle between the photographers to grab an exciting wedding photography contract and stand out the best from the rest with their stunning photo captures and unique wedding album designs.

If you are a wedding photographer or are already a pro then the one of a kind remedy to survive in this competitive photography industry is you must develop an attitude of professionalism and treat your clients with good behavior.

This article will guide you on how you can multiply your professional wedding photography business to a new level by following these easy 5 pro tips.

Keep the Paperwork Sorted

Professional wedding photographers often follow a process that begins with meeting with the clients, touching upon some client requirements, on-floor execution, and finally the wedding album delivery. 

Clients are very vulnerable and they often get easily trapped by influencive members of their family or friends and they may cancel your contract at the last moment as a photographer for their big day and might hire some other photographer.

To avoid any last minute disheartening and your schedule getting upside down, it is better to clear out certain legalities right after you meet your clients for the first time. 

You must enter into a legal paperwork with your potential clients to avoid the last moment slipping out on great client orders. It will stay as a proof and accordingly you can plan out your dates with other clients.

Develop the ability to say “NO”

As a wedding photographer during peak season, it's easy for you to get flooded with new work and clients. But saying yes to all, especially when you don't have the manpower and equipment to resume any of the new work. This kind of situation can land you in great trouble, in fact, it will hamper your relations with your new clients as well as potential referral clients.

The wedding photography business is greatly survived on the word of mouth publicity, and you would definitely not want to generate negative feedback from your clients regarding reaching late to the venue or missing out on certain rituals to capture. 

For this, It's better to accept orders as per your capacity and the availability of dates for you to plan and execute in order to avoid last-minute confusion and hassles.

Interact with the Full Family

When we think of Indian weddings, the only thing that comes to our mind is a 'Big Fat Glittery Festival'. It is more of a kind of celebration with people of all ages enjoying the wedding with great pomp and splendor. 

At this moment you as a photographer would not want to miss out on some important person or people from getting clicked. It is said that Indian weddings are more of a family affair than the bride and the groom.

So as an Indian wedding photographer, you must know that once the initial booking is done, your job is to not just interact with the couple but also with the full family and what their requirements are! This helps you to capture the wedding better as you know how important which family member is.

When you interact with the family members you get to know more about their culture and traditions which would ultimately help you in easy execution and catch hold of the proper timeline of events that are going to happen.

Learn to Keep the Balance

Wedding season especially in India begins in two phases October to December and one from April to May. During these times wedding photographers are extremely busy right from instructing couples to pose for the best shot to designing beautiful wedding albums and delivering it within the time frame to the newly married couples.

This is where you need to balance out your work. You need to give your mind and body the required rest too. The balancing act is what every wedding photographer should aim to learn. When your mind and body is at peace you would come up with more creative ideas to capture the best romantic moments between the couple. It's better to do a few weddings, then mix it up with a pre-wedding shoot or declare a day as a rest day to strike that balance. 

Live with your Commitments

You'll be surprised to know that a wedding photography business is more than just capturing photographs. There is a hell lot of post-work involved right from photo selection, editing, managing and ultimately designing the token of love called the wedding album that is cherished by the couples and their family members for a lifetime.

It has been seen, that there is a tendency of Indian photographers they click photos but do not deliver the albums on time, sometimes the album designing orders are not completed at all for years. This is the harsh reality that any photographer can come across but, eventually, this can be overruled with the advancement of today's technology and the availability of smart software in place.

You may find a lot of album designing software in the market that may claim to make your album designing workflow easy and time-saving. As an album designer, you must choose a software that offers flexibility with inbuilt features that not only saves your time but also lets you explore creativity at its best.

And one such software is DgFlick’s Album Xpress

Album Xpress software is the most loved and favorite Album designing software chosen by thousands of photographers and designers. It is a complete album designing software that comes in as a pack of 4 different smart software.

With Album Xpress software you can easily edit, sort, and manage photos, design beautiful albums with ready templates and decors. And that’s not all you can even easily proof your album with your clients and make revisions with quick access to comments on the go while you update album designs.

So hope this article would have helped you to get aware of how this wedding photography industry works and what points you need to follow to set your name as a professional wedding photographer in this industry. Eventually with the right photography equipment in place and with the right team and not to forget the right album designing software can help you to ace your wedding photography business to new heights. 

Top 7 Tips to Design a Memorable Wedding Photo Album

Top 7 Tips to Design a Memorable Wedding Photo Album

Apr 20, 2022

A wedding photo album has to be nothing short of perfect and unforgettable. After all, it will be the one telling the story of the wedding as it unfolds every precious moment of the special day. 

So you are always on your mission to deliver a wedding album that is beautiful, and modern at the same time bring a wide smile to your client's face as they witness page by page walking down the memory lane.

A photo album is also considered as the best advertisement and PR that any wedding photographer could hope for. Make it count and you too will score a place in future client recommendations.

In the photography business, networking and word-of-mouth publicity is very important as it helps you to create a unique place in the market, and in this way you can even set a signature design style for your special regular customers.

Now let’s learn some interesting tips to design a memorable wedding album in minimum time bringing great results for you.

Choose the Best Shots

Of course, the clients will have their favorites. However, nothing can beat a photographer’s instincts and proficiency in that area. A professional eye will choose technically perfect clicks and objective images that capture the main events as well as the lovable moments of the couple.

Candid shots are creating a lot of buzz in the wedding album market. Choose the best detail, shots that capture the mood, décor, food and dress-up subtleties, and portrait shots of family and wedding party.

Keep the compositions loose and consider cropping and editing at the time of sorting photos or while designing Use less complex and fast software like Edit Xpress for photo sorting and editing to save your time.

Tell the Story in the Perfect Timeline

You must arrange the photos in the sequence of the events that occurred. Tell the story with the required build-up right up to the ultimate moment. This cannot be denied that the main wedding day is the star but so are the many preliminary events which also need to be taken into consideration.

Consider the sequence of rituals while designing the album what comes first should be on the first page. Some advanced software comes with the feature of timestamp that arranges photos automatically time-wise on album pages instantly and then use text cliparts and slogans to explain rituals. Keep décor ready and handy, sorted wedding wise to use it as and when needed.

Arrivals of faraway relatives and old friends, the sangeet rehearsal, the catching up on cocktail parties, friends goofing up on the Haldi ceremony, the buzz of the bridesmaids and the groom’s men, the first dance, the cake cutting, and so on. As the special day progresses through the photos, the wedding album will be a treasure chest of fond stories.

Use Different Page Layouts

Design a mixed layout and choose multiple size formats for wedding photo albums. Photographers and videographers, especially those dealing with wedding clients, always suggest that an important moment should be aptly highlighted.

This means that clients really become happy & get engrossed to view their main event glimpses from a larger angle. So you must think of a full-page spread for the 'groom's baraat entry' moment or call attention to the 'mangal phera' and 'sindoor' moments with a double-page story. 

Interesting and playful layouts, different sizes, and arrangements make wedding albums visually appealing. It also makes for a memorable album that plays up important aspects, and also provides spaces for fun and exciting memories. This is a key to creating a really good wedding album.

Go for a Customized Album Cover

Personalize the wedding album to make it expressly mirror your client’s preferences. Choose a custom cover in your budget and that will make your clients and their family and friends automatically reach for it.

A wedding album is an emotional record, go for a cover that would speak to the couple. Think of an acrylic cover with their favorite photo, an acrylic window at the center of the album, or a wooden plate on a leatherette cover with embossed initials, date, etc.

Wedding Album Cover

Ace the Perfect Wedding Album with a Presentation Boxes

Wedding albums have a certain sacredness and should be treated as such. Presentation boxes elevate wedding albums into a legacy that is considered priceless and cherished for a lifetime.

Before you start designing get the idea from printing labs about the possible accessories and costs of the latest trendy album types. Make sure you check the durability and portability of the kit you are offering.

Apart from protection, they also add a touch of luxury, and exclusiveness to them. From leather and transparent acrylic boxes to boxes with velcro or clutch, presentation boxes skyrocket the wedding album game to the next level.

Offer the Best Designed Wedding Album

The best-designed wedding album easily speaks good deeds about a photographer's dedication to his or her craft. They also make a great impression on clients who realize how practical and poetically beautiful they are.

Work smart! keep signature design albums ready in Project / Template form and you can just replace photos of previous weddings with a new wedding with a similar theme and the album is ready. Use Advance designing software containing a feature that allows you to re-use existing designed projects

A memorable wedding album shows how you as a photographer have worked fold by fold and honored their big day. It deserves to be displayed as a souvenir that matches all the effort and emotion that went into it.

Use a Quality Album Designing Software

Lastly but a very crucial point to be noted is that the software which you use to design albums must be of top quality. Use licensed software to avoid legal actions against piracy. The software should be less complicated, providing ease in designing, filled with the latest technology offering advanced tools helping you to work smart and covering all your needs.

It should be within the budget, come up with regular upgrades beneficial to you, and lastly a software that offers proper training and after-sale service. Dgflick's has a great range of software for the photo industry helping 600000+ photographers and designers across the globe with their smart fast easy and most affordable software. Album Xpress Pack is a perfect combo of software that completes all the above points discussed.  Try for free

Final Thoughts

Hope these tips would help you ace your album designing game. Being into the photography industry, capturing wedding scenes and then putting them into an album is a never-ending trend. 

Mastering the art of designing attractive and trendy album pages really paves a long way to create your mark in this industry and lets you set new ways to generate revenue. So get inspired by top-notch album designers and create your own unique style quotient to earn more by designing more.

Design with Flexibility that Enhances your Creativity

Design with Flexibility that Enhances your Creativity

Mar 25, 2022

If you have been to any wedding occasion, you must have witnessed the impressive growth of an entire industry revolving around wedding albums.

Wedding photos are a big junk of memories that are cherished for a lifetime. That's what makes these special occasions more pure and serene that weddings are carried out with a pinch of modern outlook not missing out on the good old traditions and rituals. When it comes to capturing the wedding incidents and cherishing them as a memory for the years to come. 

A beautiful but memorable “Wedding Album” is a must.

Some of the to-be-wed couples are even choosing their photographer based on the quality of their albums. For those photographers who have mastered the art, making albums has become a key revenue generator for their business.

In fact, nowadays photographers even lower their coverage prices and put more energy into making high-end albums. Even with the significant reductions in coverage prices, many photographers are able to pull out higher profit margins due to an increase in their album sales.

The key is to create a custom one-of-a-kind album that your clients would fall in love with instantly. Even defining a unique designing style statement in your album designs also goes a long way in generating adequate album sales and at the end client satisfaction.

This can be very intimidating at times and may push you out of your comfort zone behind the camera, but with the help of an album designing software in place and the absolute flexibility of the software can make your album designing process much easier and quicker.

Even though there are many software companies that claim to make your album designing workflow much easier and more efficient. As an album designer, you must choose a software that offers flexibility with inbuilt features that not only saves your time but also lets you explore creativity at its best.

And obviously, one such software is DgFlick’s Album Xpress.

Let's understand why DgFlick's Album Xpress software is the most loved and favorite Album designing software for thousands of photographers and designers.


Album Xpress software is the most talked-about software for its flexibility and many time-saving features that not only makes your album designing process easier and quicker but also boost up your creativity game.

Some of the features are as follows

Inbuilt Ready Templates & Decors

Let's you design stunning albums in minutes with hundreds of ready templates and decors at your fingertips all pre-designed for you to customize as you like.

There is also a possibility to import outside resources such as cliparts, masks, background,s and much more into your software giving you the power to design your album the way your clients require it to be.

Seamlessly integrate with your workflow

Export your designs in fully layered PSD format for advanced customization in workable Photoshop software.

Smart features to Save your Time

Album Xpress uses powerful time-saving technologies to make album design simple and fun. With its Auto-Album designing feature, your album automatically gets designed in seconds provided with the theme selection and photo imports. It's an easy way to increase your profits without spending hours in front of your computer. 

Even with its do-it-yourself feature gives you the ability to design your albums from scratch. You can choose from the thousands of ready templates and decors and design your albums for any occasion that captures the moment and wow your clients.

Photo Editing Made Simple

No need for any third-party software to edit photos. Album Xpress software efficiently comes with an inbuilt photo enhancement and photo editing tools to make your photos all ready to be transformed into an album.

Protect your Creativity

You can copyright your designs with the exclusive watermark effect of your name or your brand name in the form of a Text or Logo. You can even set the visibility of the watermark and even position it in a vertical, horizontal, or in diagonal format.

Your Software Your Language

Album Xpress software gives you the ability to explore the software in your native language. The software comes with the possibility to make your software communications or interface in your language giving you a delightful designing experience. 

Smooth Album Proofing

Easily share album drafts with your clients. Review feedback and make revisions with quick access to comments while you update album designs.

Save your  Designs in Multiple Ways

Your final album designs can be successfully saved in various formats the way it is convenient by your clients. Your designs can be saved in JPG, PSD as well as Pdf formats. Even with Album Xpress software, you can save your designs in the form of an eAlbum

eAlbums is a unique tool to share and showcase album designs on mobile phones.eAlbums not just provide album viewing and sharing experience to users but also offers a personalized marketing platform to photographers.

Final Thoughts

So you can see how an album designing software can make your work process easier and can design some stunning masterpieces giving you the complete control to explore with your creativity.

When a software has many features to offer followed by the flexibility to operate the software it can really boost up your creativity game giving you the final output that would make your clients go WOW with your album designs.

Look around on the web and take note of some of the stunning album work being done by industry leaders. Take inspiration from them and with the support of a smart album designing software create albums that are loved by everyone and set new opportunities to earn more by designing more.

Your Design is the Silent Ambassador of your Brand

Your Design is the Silent Ambassador of your Brand

Feb 19, 2022

With the digital age ushering in a greater need for visual content, the photography business has become a competitive and thriving industry. Whether you are an aspiring photographer just starting out or a professional photographer looking to build your business, you need to keep pace with the rapidly changing trends and new technologies coming out every month.

And in this rapidly growing photography industry, one season that brings a ton of opportunities for our fellow photographers is the wedding season. During this wedding season, photographers are extremely busy right from instructing couples to pose for the best shot to designing beautiful wedding albums and giving it within the time frame to the newly married couples.

During such kinds of wedding seasons, there is a constant battle between the photographers to grab the best wedding photography contract and then stand out the best from others with their wedding album designs.

The one way you as a photographer can be successful in your photography business is by setting a standard for yourself and the art i.e your signature album designing style.

Now first of all let’s understand What do you mean by Signature design style?

A Signature Design style is to set or have a style that reflects your personality and the image you want to give to your customers through your wedding album designs.

In the photography industry, every photographer is a brand in itself and their album designs act as a brand ambassador in the market. Similarly, every photographer carries a uniqueness or niche in their wedding album designs. Your customers should be able to identify you from your wedding album designs and must be able to recognize which design is yours and which is not.

Such loyal customers would act as an advocate and recommend their friends and family members to hire you for their wedding album design.

You need to hit the bull's eye by polishing your wedding album editing skills by getting to know your capability and your customers' requirements. You can always set a tone and standard album design patterns dedicated to your special valued customers and can charge accordingly to generate a revenue base to upgrade your photography business.

Your journey towards mastering your skills in upgrading your photography business is only possible through your dedication towards your art and choosing the right album designing software such as Album Xpress.

Album Xpress software is the number one choice of any photographer who always wants to create the best wedding album designs for their best customers.

Album Xpress software is known to be called as ‘Auto-Album designing’ software due to its advanced time-saving features and amazing ready template collection making it a go-to software for wedding album designing.


Your designs are a silent brand ambassador of your brand.

Some key points you as a photographer must keep in mind is that always give your album designing a high priority. Let your designs speak for yourself and your work. 

Take inspiration from renowned photographers in your industry and study their album designing style and identity how you can add your uniqueness to your album designs. And lastly use the best album designing software to uplift your designing performance.

Design Greeting Cards for Every Occasion using Greeting Card Xpress

Design Greeting Cards for Every Occasion using Greeting Card Xpress

Nov 16, 2021

Greetings cards are decorative cards often sent to convey good wishes to someone. The custom of sending greeting cards can be traced back to the ancient Chinese culture who exchanged messages of goodwill to celebrate the New Year, and to the early Egyptians, who conveyed their greetings on papyrus scrolls. By the early 15th century, handmade paper greeting cards were being exchanged in Europe. 

Greeting cards are so flexible that it can be used physically or virtually for any occasion. A greeting card can be a great option to suggest by you, as a photographer as these cards holds the ability to express feelings in a tangible format and when given to someone on their special day it would really make their day.

In fact, not only these greeting cards are used for personal relationship maintenance but nowadays businesses also use greeting cards to connect with their customers. Many businesses use greeting cards to express gratitude to their customers for their continuous support or introduce their loyal fan base to upcoming promotions and products.

There are different types of greeting card styles that you can use to design such as

Folded Greeting Card

Folded greeting cards tend to be more of a traditional format and especially a lot of customers also prefer this kind of design for any occasion. In fact, having to unfold the card also adds an element of surprise that makes the moment feel just the more special.

Flat Greeting Card

Flat greeting cards are more of a kind of like a postcard. Such cards are often used to share a message with a photo or an artwork. These cards look very beautiful and attractive with minimal designs and they are easily holdable also. Some entrepreneurs also hand them out as giveaways when running promotions.

Gatefold Greeting Card

A Gatefold Card opens, as suggested, like a pair of gates parting in the middle. With three panels altogether, this type of card has two folds – each creating a flap that meets in the centre. Gatefold cards give you the option to experiment with different styles and designs making it more surprising and innovative.

You can design Greeting Card for Every Occasion

Birthdays and Anniversaries are the most popular events on which many people would love to give greeting cards giving them best wishes on their special day. Next comes the wedding and valentine day for which many youths would opt for a card to congratulate and greet the new couple and special one respectively. In fact, even many businesses offer greeting cards to their customers and employees conveying messages such as Thank You cards, Appreciation cards, Farewell cards, Congratulations cards, etc.

Now with Greetings Xpress design instant and unique greeting cards with such an ease and in no time. DgFlick’s Greeting Card Xpress software lets you design customized greetings with readymade 100+ templates, background, frame, and clipart. So impress your clients with attractive designs in any size and type with personalized inbuilt messages for every event by using just this software.

Corporate Calendar - Your Pathway To Earn More  In Less Time

Corporate Calendar - Your Pathway To Earn More In Less Time

Oct 30, 2021

A Corporate Calendar is a common official calendar for a whole company/organization. It marks the various items/dates that affect the whole company. For example, the date of General body meeting, dividend declaration date, annual Christmas party and earnings report, etc.

Corporate Calendar designing can be your passive income source when you are off-board from your usual working season. DgFlick’s CalendarXpress is the only software that makes it possible for you to earn more in less time with its three go-to automated features like company logo imposition, customized date blocks, and quick event list import directly from excel.

Now let us explain how you as a legit photographer can find your pathway to earn more by designing a corporate calendar for any company. Many small and big companies every year launch their corporate calendars showcasing their annual important dates throughout the year. Their main requirements usually consist of a calendar with their company logo along with some customized date blocks depicting their important days and holidays.

With the use of DgFlick’s CalendarXpress software, you can easily inculcate your client's requirements very swiftly and in the most unique way. CalendarXpress software can be your perfect partner to earn more in less time as with this software you can design any type of corporate calendar within minutes with pre-integrated calendar years up to 100 themes and designs.

Also, there are some interesting features that can help you ace your creativity work i.e you can make revisions in your designs, and also you can rapidly import all holiday and corporate event lists directly through excel. Even respective date blocks can be decorated with meaningful small clipart to make it more appealing and eye-catching.

Now you as a photographer can also showcase your photography skills by clicking product photos of your clients and then adding them to their corporate calendars on each month’s page. For example, a food manufacturing company or an interior designing company would want their product or interior visuals respectively to be shown on their corporate calendar pages, so you as a photographer can visit the company and click their photos and then add them to the calendar.

In this way you can practice your photography skills and at the same time get the opportunity to earn more with your design and photography work.  

Capture the Best Moments with a Baby Photo Book

Capture the Best Moments with a Baby Photo Book

Oct 21, 2021

The baby is finally there! A wonderful time begins where the baby grows, and the parents and the newborn get to know the world together. Especially in the first phase of life, the baby develops so fast with so many beautiful moments, with a new highlight every day, which the young parents would surely want to capture with photos.

The very first year is full of discoveries - both for the child as well as for the parents. So you as a photographer can recommend these young parents to have a baby photo book. Baby Photo Book can be the best option to cherish memories as a personalized photo book dedicated to only the newborn.

With the use of DgFlick’s BookXpress software you can easily and quickly design a stylish baby photo book that documents each and every precious moments that the baby makes. On BookXpress software you can literally design a photo book for any occasion with an excellent combination of themes and layouts, attractive Backgrounds, and decors to fill the page and the book.

Here are some of the ideas where you can give a unique and quirky twist to your Baby Photo Book design

Personalize your baby photo album with Captions and Notes telling the story of your customer's parenthood journey. Remember that the parent's experience is as unique as the child is. Add wishes from the family so that child would be able to know at a later stage once he or she starts reading.

You can use different Themes and Clipart showing the journey of how the baby is growing or else you can use a particular theme throughout such as a theme that the baby particularly loves for eg. a photo collection of the snaps of its favorite toys.

On some pages, Photo Collages  can be infused that will give a different look while viewing the baby book. For eg collages of different smiles that the baby makes or different postures that the child does while sleeping.

This is something very unique and soon going to be in the trend that is - you can add a Calendar with time and date showcasing when the pictures were captured and to mark the scene such as when the first porridge was served or when the little munchkin holds the mom’s finger for the first time.

Thus in this way, you as a photographer while editing can use these ideas to design photo books and impress your customers at the same time get the opportunity to earn more in less time by creating baby albums on BookXpress.

Now Make a baby photo album that will be their most precious photo gift years after!

Be A Trendsetter With The New Way Of Photo Collage

Be A Trendsetter With The New Way Of Photo Collage

Oct 06, 2021

Collage making has been in presence for many years and as time went by collage designing became more of a craft than as an art. What is a photo collage – A Photo Collage is a beautiful arrangement of different photos into one single frame that looks like a collection of photos.

If you are a solo photographer or running your own photo studio, you must be noticing that a lot of people come up with their photos of various events like weddings, birthday parties, or vacation outings. Their requirement may be to keep those photos in front of their sight always so that they can cherish these memories forever. So you as a photo editor would suggest them to have it as a photo collage that can be hanged on a wall or kept on the table.

Making a photo collage nowadays is very easy thanks to many free apps that one can find online. So as a photographer these online apps can be a threat for your collage-making business as they can cut down your source of income. But with a simple and easy collage-making software like DgFlick’s CollageXpress can help you design any type of collage within minutes thus multiplying your photography business.

But do you know? You can be a trendsetter in the industry of collage designing by adopting a new style and feel of a photo collage that is a “Jigsaw Photo Collage”. Now you may be wondering what is a Jigsaw style photo collage, A Jigsaw Photo Collage is an interesting way of giving the photo a puzzle-like effect over the image that makes it look very unique and quirky.

Jigsaw photo collage designing can be a new source of income for your photography business as this is soon going to be trending and even you can join the bandwagon and upscale your business as well as income.

Jigsaw Puzzle photos can be a great option to choose as a gifting purpose for various occasions. And you can suggest your customers to go for a trendy jigsaw photo collage rather than the classic photo collage. In this way, your complimentary suggestions can act as an advocate as the happy customer would recommend your art of work to their friends and family members. Thus giving you the opportunity to earn more with more such orders of jigsaw puzzle collages.

If you are a photo studio then you can give your customers the actual feel of solving a real-life puzzle with their photos embedded on a cardboard and then cut into puzzle pieces. This can actually be a fun time family get-together activity where the members can solve the puzzle pieces along with reliving those happy moments.

Here is how You Can Create Jigsaw Collage Photo On CollageXpress Software

· Make a Collage of your favorite photos on CollageXpress and save it as an image

· Then Import the same Collage image here through ‘Photos’

· Add a Jigsaw Mask on the Photo

If that sounds tricky then watch our complete tutorial Click Here

Photo Collage - Make More Money with Less Efforts

Photo Collage - Make More Money with Less Efforts

Sep 13, 2021

What is a Photo Collage:

A photo collage is a collection and arrangement of different types of photos and set them under a single picture. A traditional collage usually consists of pictures cut and pasted onto a background and often decorated with ribbons and trinkets. However digital collages open up many opportunities to give away different look and feel to the collage, including blending images that makes the picture very realistic.

The culture of collage-making dates back to the time around 200 B.C when Japanese calligraphers created paper for their poetry by sticking together bits of paper and fabric. But as time went by collage making started being considered as more of a craft than as an art. 

Types of Photo Collage Designs that you can try for:

Innovative Collage - 

Innovative photo collage can also be called as digital photo fusion because simple photos are given altogether a new look. Here the collage editing does not follow a specific pattern but it goes by sheer intuition giving your photo as much creative look as possible. In this creative photo collage your photographs are integrated with amazing cliparts, frames, borders, and text that will enhance the entire mood of your collage. Your collage will look as if it is reciting a story of your journey.

Blended Collage -

This is probably the most common type of collage where the photos will be blended smoothly into one another. There will not be sharp edges or cut outs of individual images anymore, rather a careful merging of the pictures will lead to a seamlessly unified boundary-less single collage. For a perfectly blended collage, you may require 7 pictures to work best.

Grid/Tabular Collage - 

In this type of collage, your photos will be placed in a grid form giving a tabular kind of look. Grid collage suits best with those photos having similar dimensions and orientation that will give a uniform structured and smart look to your collage. A border can also be run throughout the grid so that the photos can be easily fitted in the same size block. Some ideas can be – list of your best friends from school, your kid’s important achievement, snap along with the dates, your own memorable life events, and so on.

Grid Type of Photo Collage

Bordered Collage - 

In Bordered Collage, as the name suggests, each photo will have a border around it. Instead of merging one image into another in this type the distinct identity of each photo is kept intact. However, the border can be thick or thin, or even invisible. The final appearance can be structured or a bit casual with the images overlapping one another to some extent.

Bordered Type of Photo Collage

Photo Mosaic - 

In Mosaic style photo collage many small images are put together to create one target image. What makes this mosaic style photo editing very unique and different is that when the photo is looked at from a wider distance it is a simple normal image but when given a closer look many small images are viewable. You can also imagine it the other way round – A Photo Mosaic is – hundreds or thousands of tiny photos collaged in such a way to give the impression of a larger photo of yours. Here the selection of smaller images becomes very important as it should resemble the main big image.

Shape and Word Collage - 

Shape and word collage is a new eye-catchy trendy collage idea that looks very unique and interesting. These types of collages are prepared by arranging photos in such a way that the final product may appear in the form of a shape or word. In Shape Collage you specify a shape to fill in with your photos- such as a heart, any animal, bird, house, car, plane, etc. In Word Collage, you specify 1-4 words, a short sentence or wish may be, such as – “HAPPY B’DAY”, “I AM SORRY”, “THANK YOU”, “CONGRATS !”, “MISSING YOU” etc. These can be great alternatives to e-cards or expensive gifts for youngsters.

Shape Type Photo Collage

Word Type of Photo Collage

Preserving simple photos can be tedious. With a collage, you can try new things and be more innovative with how you show your photos. You don't even need to be an artist to make a collage because it's so easy. If you don't have any, you can get inspiration from online sources or invest in a good collage maker that will make a collage for you.

Design a Personalized Calendar using Calendar Xpress

Design a Personalized Calendar using Calendar Xpress

Aug 06, 2021

Have you ever missed your near and dear ones birthday or wedding anniversary? Or simply just forgot to wear your formal attire on your very important meeting in the office? just because the date slipped out of your mind. If you have experienced any of these events then what are you wondering you are in serious need of a personalized calendar maker to help you never miss out on any event in your life.

Calendar Xpress which is a calendar-making software will help you design your daily schedule and manage important dates in your life with much ease and as per your needs. In fact, a personalized calendar will make your life much productive and even you will complete your task much way earlier than the actual time and date.

If we look back to the times when the first calendar came into existence, it has been in use for over 2000 years. This suggests that in those days people used to plan and organize the way they planted, harvested, hunted and how they performed many others activities for their survival. However, the calendar we know and use today, the Gregorian calendar, first came into use around 1582. Our use of this calendar is not so very different from the ones used thousands of years ago. We use them to keep track of social events as well as appointments.

Types of Calendar Styles:

Table Top Calendar

Table Top calendars are the best to not just keep a tab on the important dates of the month, but also have something nice displayed on your desk and home decors. Personalized calendar maker offers artistically made customized desk calendars to enhance your office desk and cabin.

Wall Calendars

A wall calendar is a must in every household and office space. Though nowadays mobile phones and other devices have an in-build calendar but a hanging calendar gives a different look and stays always within your vision. Calendar-making software like Calendar Xpress can help you make eye-catchy attractive wall calendars with your favorite picture or quote in the background. 

Poster Calendar

A personalized poster calendar is adorned with every attribute that makes it grab people’s attention. A photo poster calendar lets you share your loved moments creatively. A personalized calendar maker lets you add your favorite photos, captions and background with different themes that makes your calendar attractive and pleasing to the eyes.


A unique calendar-making software help you design your day to day upcoming plans related to professional or personal events easily. You can even make your planner attractive with customized date blocks with photos, text and clipart’s inside it adding a personalized touch to the calendar.

Benefits of Using a Calendar Everyday:

Calendars help you to stay always on toes and updated regarding any upcoming events in your workspace or personal life. Setting out realistic calendar goals is a must, as it will let you estimate how much time to appoint for start and finish work.

A perfect calendar-making software like Calendar Xpress will help you design a calendar that will let you prioritize which work needs more attention first. Calendars would not let you make any excuses that you miss out on something, it will always make you remember which work is pending and keep you on track.

When we see a calendar we get a brief idea about how to plan our day, with whom we have appointments and to whom to wish them on their special day.

Now even you can also have your own customized calendar to stay updated at all times with the help of  Calendar Xpress .

Digital Invitation Cards - A New Trend in Lockdown

Digital Invitation Cards - A New Trend in Lockdown

Jul 27, 2021

This year has been quite a wild ride especially for those couples who are planning their wedding. Zeroing down on a particular date has left many yet to wed couples in a great dilemma due to this pandemic and lockdown restrictions.

On one hand, the families cannot bear the losses they have to face at the last moment when suddenly any restrictions are made on the guest count or any state lockdown is announced. And on the other hand, the problems that the couples have to face for how many times the wedding dates has to be changed on the wedding invitation cards.

“Change is Inevitable” this famous quote is undoubtedly very true especially in the case of wedding cards.  There was a time when families used to hand write their wedding invitation messages and personally invite their beloved guests. Later printed cards came into being and replaced the hand-written cards that took over a lot of time from design selection to printing. And now thanks to this pandemic a new trend has been revolving in the market that is ‘Digital Invitation Cards’.

Digital invitation cards are super easy and interesting to design and it saves a lot of time and money as it can be mailed to the invitees in no time thus keeping in mind with the coronavirus norms.

There are a number of Benefits of Digital Invitation Cards that offers to the host of the event as well as to the invitees including:

Going Digital with a wedding invitation is a very kind thing that we can do for mother earth. A lot of paper is used in printing a traditional invitation card. Going paperless saves trees and in turn the planet. In fact, sending digital cards via email to guest saves the fuel and energy used in traveling to give away cards that may cause pollution.

Digital invitation cards actually saves a lot of money in many ways such as digital cards are comparatively economical than traditional cards. Even indirectly the money is saved as digital cards means no postal and fuel charges and this money can be utilized in other wedding preparations.

Digital invitation cards are very easy and quick to make within few days and can be sent in just one click thus saving your valuable time and energy. The extra important time can be utilized in other wedding preparations and shopping.

Nowadays digital invitation cards are trendy also making your wedding ceremony much memorable delightful and even the guest would be surprised and appreciate your efforts for going digital.

With the help of Album Xpress ed iting software, even you can create one digital invitation card for your big day in no time. Album Xpress makes your digital card much more adorable and amazing with readymade templates and some interesting fonts to add that makes it more appealing.

Learn to make Digital Invitation Card By Clicking Here.

Designing an Attractive Modern Page with some Simple Tricks

Designing an Attractive Modern Page with some Simple Tricks

Jul 19, 2021

The wedding album has long been the traditional way to showcase and preserve precious images from your big day. Since this wedding album is cherished by friends and family members for the years to come to relive those happy moments of the wedding day. So it is very important to design a perfect wedding album with photo album design software that is modern, attractive and at the same time suits the mood and feel of the scenario in which the photos were clicked. One thing that cannot be ignored is setting and adjusting the photos in a chronological order that may act as a series of memories just as a movie reel.

Nowadays lot of couples opt for a modern wedding album that looks very realistic and out of the box. So for designing an attractive modern page you need to invest in a good wedding album design software like Album Xpress where you can design wedding album pages with quick readymade templates and even you can design your own page with your own creativity.

Now let us understand what is Page Composition when designing a wedding photo album. The general term for composition usually applies to not only visual arts but to music, dance, literature, and virtually any other kind of art. In general, the term “composition” has two distinctive, yet related meanings. First and foremost, “composition” describes the placement of relative objects and elements in a work of art. Now that we know the general term of composition and it is not much different from the point of view of photography and editing. Composition of a page for any occasion whether it is a pre-wedding, wedding ceremony, or baby shower all the events must be designed very creatively not losing out the actual essence of the picture.

4 Essential Rules for Page Composition that you must know :

Background Image

For any image to look elegant and extraordinary, background plays a major role it highlights the overall look of the photo with the addition of intricate patterns and layers. Background selection must be in sync with the actual scene in the photo and what the photo wants to say.

Scaling and positioning 

The base of page editing begins with giving a proper scale to the image so that the image does not look pixelated. Positioning of the image is all dependent on the editor how the image is to be given the necessary look and feel.

Masking and Adjusting

Photo masking and adjusting is one of the aspects of album making software where you make the photo look different from the others either by changing the transparency level of the portion of the picture or removing it from the rest of the image.

Shapes and Clipart 

Cliparts are used to make the page look visually more interesting and innovative. Wedding album design software like Album Xpress h as clipart such as frames, flowers, hearts, diamonds etc when added it may look so amazing and give a different meaning to the photo. Shapes can be used as cutting effect or an image can be cropped inside to present it in a unique way.

Here are the steps to design an attractive modern page using simple tricks

Open Album Xpress Photo Editing Software

First add a background and import the photo

Scale the image and set the position

Add a mask and flip horizontally or vertically as required

Add a Glow effect to the first and then add another photo and adjust it with proper outlining and width

You can use multiple photos and crop them under a mask and give a shadow effect

Choose any shape, scale, and position according to the photo composition

Select any suitable clipart, adjust and place it in a creative manner

Add a text clipart and adjust it around

You can add as many cliparts as required to make the page more interesting

If that sounds confusing, don’t worry, here is a complete tutorial video of how to use a photo album design software, Click Here

Hope you got to learn something new, look for this space for more updates.

How To Create Traditional Wedding Album with DgFlick.

How To Create Traditional Wedding Album with DgFlick.

Jul 08, 2021

A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of marriage vows by a couple, presentation of a gift (offering, rings, symbolic item, flowers, money, dress), and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or celebrant.

Traditional weddings are not only known for a three day affair but a great amalgamation of friends and family members coming down to celebrate the new beginning of newly married couple.

When we think of traditional weddings the only thing that comes to our mind is long and blissful myriad of rituals and traditions followed by showering of blessings from elders and well wishers. Traditional weddings are known for great hustle and bustle of groups of people with their so called traditional attire beaming at the photographer that clicks their happy faces.

Wedding photos are a big junk of memories that will be cherished for lifetime. That's what makes these special occasions more pure and serene that traditional weddings are carried out with a pinch of modern outlook not missing out the good old traditions and rituals. When it comes to capturing the wedding incidences and storing them as a memory for the years to come.

A good but unforgettable wedding album is a must. Setting those happy faces with amazing attires in adorable poses that were clicked during the entire affair requires a photo album design software.

These photo making software can help bring life to an album, highlight the picture and transform them into an incredible story. Carefully composed photographs are the best possible way to preserve the memory of your wedding day. A well-designed wedding album would allow you to relish your memories in the future like no other.

India is said to be an incredible and diverse country because of its wide variation of people with different culture, tradition, languages, caste and religion. Whether you are following any religion one thing can not be denied is that wedding especially in the traditional format is considered as an auspicious festival and preserving these events becomes very important. That’s why a proper wedding photo album designing software is a must that is cost effective as well as it is up to the make with the latest technological advancement.

Photo album design software like DgFlick has the ability to present the wedding images in the best possible way not losing out the look and feel of the actual image that was captured during the day of the nuptials.

Album making softwares are very easy to understand and implement with variety of options to try out. Even wedding album design software like DgFlick  has some of the world class features that can turn ordinary pictures to fabulous one’s.

The best albums are fully customized and curated for every wedding.

In case you are planning a traditional Indian wedding album template, there are certain practices that you need to follow for the best results. It is very important to understand the meaning of every photograph.

You will have to be very careful as to how you frame your photographs, what you display, and how you display the couples. Make sure that the photographs of all the couples are highlighted to create an album that includes only the happiest and most memorable moments of the wedding. Covering Up Photos It is very important that you cover up all the embarrassing photographs in the wedding album.

Indian traditional wedding albums includes three basic elements Background images, Family photo, and the wedding album cover and related events. This works best in professional photography studios but it is quite expensive and sometimes go off budget so a better option is to opt for a photo album design software.

The best approach to make this, that’s what you need to take care of first is to pay a lot of attention to the photograph of the family photo. This is very important not only for the right mood to go along with the wedding but also for showing the entire family.

The family photo should not be too big but we recommend you pay extra attention to the children as they are the main element of your wedding day. So, it is essential to pay attention to the correct light and angle.

Album making software like DgFlick can some attractive and interesting templates that matches with the mood and facial expressions of the couple and family members.

  • We have templates for all the events right from the pre-wedding to the last vidhi. With DgFlick which is a album making software that can help you set and arrange different wedding photos into the right look and feel backdrop.


  • Album Xpress Photo editing and album creation software has so many templates and volumes for various traditions of Indian weddings.Every corner of India has been incorporated to these volumes with different styles,cliparts,maskings and even frames.

  • One can also make posters and invitation cards with DgFlick album making software.With this photo album design software you can add different intricate pattern, layout and frames to your photos.

  • There are unique and interesting mask and cliparts with wide variety of collection of motifs such as diamond, flowers, chandelier that gives an artistic look to the entire photo.

DgFlick can add different layers in the form of effects such as main image as the backdrop followed by small meaningful images in the foreground.

  • Black and white effect or mixed colour effect is a new style that many couple’s are selecting for their wedding album.

         Now you can create and make creative and beautiful traditional wedding albums easily with

          DgFlick software albumXpress Pack.
How To make a Creative Wedding Album Design

How To make a Creative Wedding Album Design

Jul 07, 2021

When we think of Indian weddings the only thing that comes to our mind is two or three days of celebration where the ceremony is held with great pomp and splendor. Apart from the traditional rituals that follow in every wedding, one thing is common that is capturing photos of the procession and even the glittery guest that is present to celebrate the couple's new beginning.

Once the photos are captured it becomes very important to save them in a unique wedding album that can be cherished in the future to relive those beautiful moments. Every couple wants to remember their special day. And what's a better way to do that other than wedding albums. As the technology has evolved a lot, today there are many wedding album design software that makes it easy to design wedding photo album in an interesting way.

Preserving memories has evolved from the old-school standard books to using quirky themes and fun yet creative ideas to make your wedding album or coffee table book as it is known today, all the more interesting. There are so many wedding album design software available in the market, and many of them are well known till the date like Album Xpress. In Album Xpress software one can decorate the album as per their creative designing concepts.

Here's a great and interesting ideas to make a Creative Wedding Album Design :

     Simple Traditional Style

     Clean and Modern Style

     Black & White or Mixed Background

     Candid Style

  Clipart and Backdrop Design Style

Simple Traditional Style Album:

Indian Wedding Album Designs are a special category because of the complexity of the design, along with the presence of vivid colors and a multitude of ceremonial events spanning multiple days. Wedding album design software can portray each special day in an interesting manner that can define the significance of each day.


Clean and Modern Style Album:

Indian families prefer traditional weddings at the same time they want their wedding albums must have a modern touch. Modern designs are a western-style photo album designs. Wedding Album design software can offer modern styles with different elements and motifs that are heavily influenced by minimalism. Modern style wedding album also presents the photos in different transitions where the main image acts as the background and the other image in small formats.


Black & White or Mixed Background Style Album:

Black and white color is still a not so old color combination it is still preferred as an old is a gold outlook. Today still a lot of couples opt for a black and white look for their wedding album that gives a touch of a retro feel. Photo album design software has some unique features and styles that can give a different monochromatic and achromatic color palette look to all the B/W images.

Candid Style Album:

A new trend has been going on in the market that is the candid way of capturing the wedding rituals and procession.Candid-style photography captures the on-time and lively moments. This gives a unique way of looking at the wedding photos. Wedding album design software presents and adjust the photos in such a way that shows the couple enjoying the real moment. Candid-style wedding album makes it more pleasing to view the realistic moments.

Clipart and Mask Style Album:

The clipart feature can present the couple in a more interesting and quirky way with the addition of different motifs and frames that will improve the look and feel of the wedding album. Cliparts are generally used to enhance the photo album page with some props which can be balloons or hearts and mandala art too.Cliparts may have designing components like written fonts, frames, borders, or even love clipart, flower clipart.In masking, one can embed images into creatively designed masks for different page look.

Picture as a background style and Digital mixing album:

Wedding album design software provides the feature of the backdrops style or Digital-mixing style. Wedding album design software provides the feature of the backdrops style or Digital mixing style that adds background images to enhance the layout. The backgrounds may be semi-opaque, or gradient-faded. It may be some other location picture or a simple background picture. Sometimes the wedding photos been clicked so beautiful that one can use them as background for many album pages. The photo is used as a blur or semi-transparent photo and that other photos are placed on it to make it more beautiful.

These are some of the unique wedding album designing styles with which one can create the most beautiful and attractive wedding albums for themselves with wedding album design software.To create such beautiful wedding albums try out templates at   https://www.albumxpresstemplates.com/

How to use Layer Mask Effect in Album Xpress for Album Page Designing

How to use Layer Mask Effect in Album Xpress for Album Page Designing

Apr 28, 2021

There are many photo effects in Album Xpress software t hat allows the user to create an own personalized album template such as light leaks, Mask effect, Decor, and face composition. These templates not only beautify the pictures but also give the album template a wholesome look. Among these, the Layer Mask Effect is generally used when the user wants his album template to contain various pictures in a different fashion. Let’s talk about creating a good page designing using Layer Mask Effect in AlbumXpress:

What is The Layer Mask Effect?

The layer Mask effect in Album Xpress is a reversible way to control the visibility of the pictures and hide or edit particular parts of those pictures. This gives your more editing flexibility than permanently erasing or deleting that part of the image. Think of them as filters that let the user control the impact of the changes made to the image. Just like one changes ordinary filters to determine how the pictures look, a layer mask edits a picture in the most fun and beautiful way possible.

In Album Xpress, the Layer Masking effect is applied through various artistic brushes that give the user power to apply different styles of masks at once to different images. 

Why use the Layer Mask Effect?

Layer Mask has lots of benefits, like the fact that you can work on your image without affecting the pixels. But perhaps the most powerful aspect of the layer mask is your ability to affect exactly where, how, and how much of your changes will affect the image. It allows the user to create dynamic, good-looking album designs which show deeper meanings of the pictures.  Layer masks are right up there at the top of the list of things the user needs to know about when working with Album Xpress because they enhance the work and the creativity of the album designing. The layer masks are so incredibly simple and easy to understand!

How to apply the Layer Mask Effect?

Select a Photo

-Add a photo from the gallery on your Album Page

-Scale, Position, and Rotate it the way you want it to be set

Adding the Mask Layer

-Select the “Mask” Option on the Upper panel 

-Click on the “Layer Mask” button on the left side of the panel

-You will see a series of brushes for selection in the middle

-Select a brush of your choice and start designing

Designing the Layer Mask

-Shape the photo using the Layer mask Brush

-“Rotate” or “Flip” the brushes as you want

-If you don’t want a layer, select the Layer and click on “Remove”

-You can also control the “Size”, “Opacity” and “Flow” of the brushes by clicking on the following options on the right side of the page. 

Making a complete Album Template

-Further, you can Add various photos, 

-Edit them using the layer mask effect

-Add text and complete your own Album Page/Template

If that sounds confusing, don’t worry, here is a complete tutorial video, click here to watch. Get started now.

Instant Creation of Video Highlights from Wedding Albums

Instant Creation of Video Highlights from Wedding Albums

Apr 20, 2021

Wedding pictures are the most cherished collectibles for everyone in their life. There are so many memorable moments, ceremonies, and traditions in a single wedding function that the bride and groom may want to share all of them with their family and friends. Wedding video highlights can help everyone to document beautiful wedding memories. Making video highlights of weddings may help to involve loved ones and get excited about the wedding. Making instant video highlights from wedding albums is easy and can be done within minutes through tools available online or our quick-and-easy Video Xpress.

It's easy to see why video highlights of weddings are becoming more common and popular. They're versatile, customizable and set the pictures in motion! The perks of making video highlights online are many. All one has to do is import the wedding photos into Video Xpress, select the design and edit the photos into the video maker.  To give a more lively touch, add favorite songs, audio clips, or the music and in a few minutes, the wedding video highlight is ready to be shared!  It also allows to add effects to the photos like Blur, Glow, Opacity, Shadow, etc. One of the ways to make the video more personal is by matching the video theme to the wedding colors! Adding text and messages to the clips can help to express emotional feelings more enjoyably.

Making instant video highlights is a fun process that requires little to no hard work if correct software is used. Giving guests highlights of the wedding with customized messages in the form of a video can elevate a simple wedding. But it is important to make necessary arrangements for taking pictures beforehand by; Asking guests to take pictures, adding disposable cameras to bouquets, or hiring a photographer. 

So it's time to bring your wedding highlights together once you've collected all the photos. Our simple wedding video maker will give weddings a lovely and professional touch. Video Xpress is simple to use and allows to drag and drop images directly into the video. It allows users to quickly trim and add sweet songs in the background and customize transitions,  colors, fonts, audio, and more. To see how mesmerizing  video highlights created from a wedding album will look like, see this demo video: 

Organize your memories by decorating photo collages on walls

Organize your memories by decorating photo collages on walls

Apr 15, 2021

Photos play an important role in our lives, preserving memories and our moments forever. And none of us have a single favorite memory or a single treasurable photo. So what do we do when we want to look at the collection of our most remembered photos and tell our story? Photo Collages are the best way to tell a story. Photo Collages on walls are stylish and in-trend and make your home look more beautiful. If you want to show your graduation ceremony or your journey of life, photo collages are the right pick for you. All you have to do is pick your favorite pictures, stick them on the wall in any shape (heart, rectangle, loop) you like and your wall is ready to be shown off.

Generally, photo collages are photo display techniques used to arrange a series of selected photographs together. But today, ready-made collages such as 3D collages, mosaic and digital collages, wooden collages are available in the market that makes photo collaging more fun, creative and easy. Every house has a photo collage of either their wedding ceremony, pictures with friends and family, and many more. Photo collages are a clever part of the modern society of photography and a great ornament for the wall. You can show multiple images from your family, wedding, baby's first year, and more in a single collection instead of framing and hanging a lot of pictures. A simple office collage of employee selfies and office parties can bring the entire company together. It's an interesting way for viewers to look at pictures, particularly if they're themed. To engage readers, even companies use photo collages in their digital content.

Preserving simple photos can be tedious. With a collage, you can try new things and be more innovative with how you show your photos. You don't even need to be an artist to make a collage because it's so easy. If you don't have any, you can get inspiration from online sources or invest in a good collage maker that will make your collage for you.

Photos collages on walls are the new trend and you can totally try these out since they are easy and make your walls look more beautiful and modern.

Some of our favorite candid moments from lockdown memories

Some of our favorite candid moments from lockdown memories

Apr 05, 2021

This pandemic came unannounced on new year’s eve and is surely the guest that has overstayed its welcome.  People all over the world were pushed into their houses, quarantined with family and friends, saying goodbye to the outside world. But was this lockdown period all that bad and stressful? Of Course not!  This is really a historic event that our grandchildren are going to ask us about for many years to come. So when they do ask us, how do we show them our time in the COVID-19 pandemic? Confined at home during the 2020 coronavirus lockdown, there were many candid moments that made us reach out to the camera and click some memorable photographs. These photographs may not be as fancy as wedding pictures and photoshoot clicks, but they will forever hold a special place in our lives.  Let’s look back at some of our sweetest and eternal lockdown memories that we captured in our hearts and in-camera. 

Work from home Hues

Offices and co-workers were replaced by zoom meetings and family gatherings. Many people converted their homes into full-time offices. In reality, this experience has been up and down for all of us. Work schedules have been adjusted as needed to allow time for midday lunch and nap and the (absolutely impossible) task of trying to balance full-time childcare with full-time work. We stay connected on Zoom calls (with cameos from my team members’ adorable kiddos) and with Slack messages, and folks, we’re hanging in there! These hustle and bustle moments were our favorite memories of lockdown.

Trying out new recipes

Many weeks of lockdown have gone by pretty quickly by making new recipes such as Dalgona coffees and biscuit cakes. Social Media stories were flooded with glossy pictures of delicious meals and cuisines made by people all around the world. Lost in the back-and-forth was the fact that for many of us (with similar or more privileges than me), food was playing an important role in various ways—as an excuse to call an old friend or family member, as a way to connect to distant cousins on family WhatsApp groups, as a means to help the hungry or as a coping mechanism when the uncertainty got too much to bear.

Kids and Pets

With schools closed, many of us are spending more time at home with our children than ever before. And while it was challenging, it also gave us so much unforgettable time with our kids and pets. It was like a long summer vacation with our kids and pets playing in the backyard, drawing and painting walls, watching TV, dancing and singing in the hallways, and much more. The pandemic is (hopefully) a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that will be remembered, but children – especially younger ones – will find it difficult to recall exactly what happened and how it felt in the future. A photo book that contains current events, as well as family memories, will become a memento that will be treasured for a lifetime, and putting it together can be an enjoyable family activity as you share your thoughts and experiences and discuss what to include.

An interesting reflection, perhaps, of the way the lockdown has affected us. It’s not just the disease, it’s the lockdown that has turned our lives upside-down. Someday, perhaps, this lockdown will be history. Now we are almost there in the post-COVID-19 era, we will look back in time and reminisce our favorite lockdown memories through videos, photographs. Make sure to capture as many photos and videos as you can and compile them into your own lockdown special album via Album Xpress. 

5 Tips To Enhance Your Travel Photos

5 Tips To Enhance Your Travel Photos

Mar 23, 2021

Other than seeing beautiful destinations, meeting new people, and eating food; travel photography is one of the most fun parts about traveling. You do not need to be a professional photographer to capture the beauty of objects, people, and places around the world. It doesn’t matter whether you are using a simple phone camera or a high-quality fancy camera, clicking pictures of your experiences is all about capturing moments. 

Travel photos bring back thousands of memories and take us back to the adventure and the places we have wandered. But in most collections of vacation and travel photos, only a precious few of the photos are the very best shots. These photos are somehow more enduring or more interesting, or that best capture the spirit and sensation of the trip. What is it that keeps these photos from the dustbin of our traveling history? Often they are simply better photographs. That is, the “keeper” photo isn’t of a favorite person, place, or activity — it is better composed, better lit, and thus simply more visually interesting than the run-of-the-mill vacation snapshot.

So What can we do to get better travel photos? Following is a collection of low- and no-tech tips to help you improve your travel photos on and after your next trip.

Leading lines

Leading lines is a compositional technique where the viewer’s attention is drawn to lines that lead to the main subject of the image. A leading line paves an easy path for the eye to follow through different elements of a photo. Leading lines are all around us in cities and in nature. Your job is to find them and arrange them in your photograph so that they lead toward the object, place or person you want to focus on. Human-made objects that work as leading lines are roads, bridges, fences, broadways, bricks, buildings; and natural things that work as leading lines are rivers, waves, sand dunes, sunrays, stones, etc. Leading lines refer to anything that is in a row and gives attention to your choice of focus.

Focus - Defocus

Focus - Defocus technique has been used by professional photographers for many decades. They are used to a dramatic effect to objects and figures by blurring the background (The Bokeh Effect). Generally, this type of work takes a lot of precision and time. Today most of the smartphones have this effect named as the “Portrait Mode” or “Live Focus”, where you can blur out the background or foreground and change the focus point and blur accordingly. You can also achieve this effect via editing, and in a much more controlled manner than while taking the picture.

Color Correction

Colors are the most important element of a photograph. Sometimes your photo may be dull or the quality of it might be compromised due to bad lighting. Color Correcting is an editing technique that helps you to improve your bad pictures. We can adjust image color in all sorts of ways, from changing the overall “warmth” of the image (how blue or yellow it appears), to individually changing the hue and saturation of specific colors inside of an image. You can edit your pictures very easily with built-in presets on editing software such as Edit Xpress.

Tilt Mode

Tilting is used in photography is similar to someone raising or lowering their head to look up or down. This is used in miniature photography, but this effect in travel photography is used to capture a particular scene in a certain direction. The Tilt Mode allows us to make the photos look more broad and real. Using the Rotate tool can be perfect for photos where the camera angle needs some slight correcting. Photos can easily be straightened or rotated in 90-degree increments while editing, to get them one step closer to perfection.

Light Mode

It is not a secret that good light = good pictures. Good lighting can make a simple object look glorious. Natural light is one of the best tools for good photography. Most photographers love to take photographs in the Golden Hour. This is around sunrise, sunset, and the blue hour, and taking pictures during this time can create images with wonderful colors. In many cases, you will likely be dealing with indoor lighting and may even use a flash. So before you take a single photo, look around and analyze your location. This will help you understand how you can harness the natural light around you. This is also a very easy fix during the editing process, wherein you can brighten up and make your pictures more visible with a couple of clicks.

Download the Album Xpress Pack, which contains DgFlick’s own editing option with Edit Xpress, and completely transform and preserve your precious travel memories.

8 Photo Ideas To Make The Perfect Baby Book

8 Photo Ideas To Make The Perfect Baby Book

Mar 15, 2021

Having a baby is one of the biggest transformational events in everyone’s life. From being a tiny little infant with doe eyes to running across the house with their toys, children make life more fun and beautiful. From first birthdays to first steps, toddlers give us so many funny, beautiful and joyful moments to capture. Making a baby album that has all their early childhood memories can be a great gift for your children in the future. 

And gone are the days when you need a camera to capture and make them into a hardcore album. You can click sweet moments using your mobile’s HD camera and convert them into an e-album or a decorative photobook so that they can relive those moments again and again and whenever they want. 

Here are some of the photo ideas you can use to make your baby album make more adorable:

Maternity Photos

Looking back in time, children will be happy to see their pose for different photos, carrying them around in their bellies. Adding maternity photos can make your album will make you love your mother more! The mother can pose with flowers, balloons, sonograms, teddy bears, baby shoes, and so much more. 

Candid Pictures

Seeing candid, surprising moments of your baby album makes you smile. These are the most adorable and natural photos that will make everyone smile for years to come. You can click photos of your baby sleeping, playing in the bath or with their toys, making weird faces while eating, teething, smiling at the camera, and tasting a lemon is always the best funny picture. 

Fancy photoshoot

Use those cool bow ties, jittery bandanas, cartoon rompers and jumpsuits and cute suits and frocks to create a beautiful photoshoot for your baby. Use props such as flowers, furniture, decorated bassinets, lights, chocolates, heart-shaped pillows etc. 

Spending time outside

One of the most exhilarating times for your child is when they are outside playing and seeing the world around them. You can capture such pictures with them in famous locations, on beaches, in parks, on vacations or out on the lawn playing with grass. 

Family Time

Game time with daddy and fun mummy time is something that makes your baby album show more connection. They bring a pure side of babies seen with their parents and relatives. So whenever your baby is helping you cook in the kitchen, roaming around everywhere on daddy’s shoulders or goofing around with siblings, capture those moments and store them forever in your album.

Babies and Festivals

What an amazing way to show baby’s excitement than during festivals! Festivals provide a great opportunity for parents to capture some of the finest moments with their babies because they dance, talk and do lots of mischief. You can click photos of them exchanging gifts, beside a christmas tree, dancing around in their fancy attires, talking and singing and more.

Important Milestones 

Last but not the least, pictures of first birthdays, first steps, first smile and first day in hospital. These pictures are the favorite shots for your babies, that help them to reminisce their entire childhood.

Fun with Pets

Furry pets are the best companions of babies. They are your baby’s personal soft toy. Photograph your little toddler in your dog’s lap ro kissing your cat. Take a picture of them playing together or cuddling on the bed together. 

A baby album can be a great way to introduce your little one to their aunts, uncles and grandparents. Make sure to write a little note or stories below every picture to make it more special. These baby photo book ideas help you hold onto the memories of yesterday a little longer. If you’re a busy parent who’s short on time, not to worry. Our feature of assembling all the photos for you and converting them into a beautiful album, will help you to be the best parent. You can also make an unforgettable keepsake on Album Xpress  using many baby templates and share it with everyone, everywhere.


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